Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dear Facebook

From: Facebook
Subj: Dear Facebook
Dear Facebook,

I really love Facebook
mobile. It's great to
see when peopl...(Reply
'n' for next)
Received: 4:37PM

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From: Facebook
...eople poke me and
to be able to poke
them back, to be able
to see my messages
and to b... (Reply 'n' for
Received: 4:38PM

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From: Facebook
... o be able to
message back, and
to even be able to
accept or reject
friend requ... (Reply
'n' for next)
Received: 4:39PM

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From: Facebook
...quests all from my
cell phone. Despite
the convenience, I
think there are tw...
(Reply 'n' for next)
Received: 4:40PM

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From: Facebook
... two small changes
to the handling of
extended messages
that I believe would
greatly impro... (Reply
'n' for next)
Received: 4:41PM

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From: Facebook
...prove the service.

First, I understand
that long messages
need to be broken
up into s... (Reply 'n'
for next)
Received: 4:42PM

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From: Facebook
...o smaller messages,
but it is slightly more
than mildly irritating
that messages are
inevitab... (Reply 'n'
for next)
Received: 4:43PM

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From: Facebook
...vitably broken
mid-word, instead of
at the whitespace
between words.

Second, there
ar... (Reply 'n' for
Received: 4:44PM

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From: Facebook
... are some messages
that I want to read and
some I don't. It would
be nice if, for messages
that are more tha... (Reply
'n' for next)
Received: 4:45PM

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From: Facebook
...han one page long,
envelope information
was sent, such as the
sender, the subject, and
how many pages the
mess... (Reply 'n' for next)
Received: 4:46PM

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From: Facebook
...essage is instead
of the text of the
message. If a
message is twenty
seven pages long, I'd
ra... (Reply 'n' for next)
Received: 4:47PM

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From: Facebook
...ther sit at a computer
wondering why this
guy won't shut up
instead of sending
twenty six "n"
messag... (Reply 'n'
for next)
Received: 4:48PM

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From: Facebook
...ssages and wondering
why this guy won't shut up.

Again, while I love
Facebook mobile without
these features, I think all
users coul... (Reply 'n'
for next)
Received: 4:49PM

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From: Facebook
...ould benefit from
these improvements.

Jonathan Brya...
(Reply 'n' for next)
Received: 4:50PM

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From: Facebook
Received: 4:51PM

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