Thursday, August 9, 2007

Blazers Defeat Wildcats in 69-0 Blowout!

The Fort Valley Wildcats went down.


After nailing the Albany State Golden Rams with a 41-3 victory last week, the Valdosta State Blazers came on the field at Fort Valley ready for action. And action is exactly what they got when they caught the Wildcats with their pants down. During the first half, Valdosta's passing game kept balls in the air and their running game kept slipping through the cracks of Fort Valley's Maginot Line like defense. The Wildcats choked for two quarters as the Blazers' offense exploded in their face and defense attacked them from behind. The Valdosta offense easily spread the Wildcats' weak defenses enabling runners to shoot up the middle in search of the end zone, and the sadly unprotected Fort Valley quarterback was sacked repeatedly by various members of the turgid Valdosta defensive line. When the Wildcats retreated to their locker room at halftime already worn out from the not-so-gentle foreplay of the first half, little did they know what was in store for them during the rest of the evening's encounter.

Fort Valley's second half was no less obscene of a gesture at performance than the first. After their inability to score in the first half, the Wildcats' only hope was to come back in the second and not look like a virgin team who had never touched a ball before. Unfortunately, their attempt at appearing nubile was thwarted by the far greater experience and prowess of the Blazers. The Wildcats' uncoordinated, fumbling defense was penetrated again and again, yielding yet another safety in the second half just as they had clumsily done in the first. The endurance of the Blazers' relentless pounding was apparent even late into the game as the third string continued to stiff Fort Valley's flaccid defense. The entire experience left the Wildcats with nothing more than bruised, aching bodies and the sour taste of defeat in their mouths.

As the spent Wildcats lay limp and panting in messy aftermath of their Trojan-esque decimation, it was apparent that the domination of the Blazers had achieved not just a decisive victory, but had forced the total submission of the Wildcats' now utterly spent team. In the first two games of the season, the the Blazers have scored 110 points while holding partners to 3, scoring more in two games than some teams score all season, convincing many of their ability to lick any team they are coupled with.

B-L-A-Z-E-R-S! Go, Blazers, Go!

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